Cycleops Powercal With Heart Rate
I've ridden the Cycleops Powercal with a Garmin Edge 500 for the past couple of weeks and, at this point, I'd have to say I am very happy with it. Getting it set up and synced with my Garmin device was remarkably easy and took only minutes. It took longer to reconfigure the "screens" on the Edge to include the new power data.
I'm unable to compare it to the MUCH more expensive PowerTap product line (there are some excellent reviews on the 'net where engineer types compare the PowerCal very favorably with PowerTap and SRM type strain gauge based power meters) but for $100 I believe this to be a solid entry into the art of training with power.
One of the excellent features of the PowerCal is the ability to easily transfer your power workout from one bike to another without having to change wheel s (PowerTap) or cranksets (SRM). All you will need is additional mounting hardware for your Ant+ device - very inexpensive. CycleOps is a trusted name in power training and it really seems they did their homework before launching this product.
Bottom line, if you want to try training with power instead of just HR and you don't want to spend $1000 this is an excellent option.
Please note , I also purchased Hunter Allen and Andrew Coggan's latest edition of Training and Racing with a Power Meter and highly recommend that as an invaluable addition to this purchase.
I don't want to spend more than 300$ on a cycling power meter. I saw that I can get a brand new CycleOps PowerCal for $85 on ebay from a seller that I've bought stough from before that I know or I should I look to get a used power meter off craigslist for around $300. How accurate is a CycleOps PowerCal compared to an actual power meter with strain gauges? I mostly do steady state time trials, steady long climbs, and steady group rides for around three hours. I weigh around 51 kilograms. I've saved enough to get a CycleOps PowerTap or even an SRM Crankbased Power Meter but I don't want to spend that much.